You can download our application for Residential Treatment using the link below. It’s a fillable PDF form that you can complete electronically, or you can print and complete by hand.
After you have completed the application you must call our office to book an assessment. You will not be added to the waitlist until an assessment has been completed: 519-837-1470 x221.
If you are applying for a residential program at Stonehenge Therapeutic Community and you live in the Waterloo-Wellington region, you must call the Here 24/7 Referral Service at 1-844-437-3247.
If you live outside of the Waterloo-Wellington region or are on probation or parole, you must submit a completed application and call Stonehenge to set up an assessment.
If you are currently incarcerated, you should speak with your worker/parole officer to have them send in your completed application.