The Let’s Grow Together program is a weekly, 1 – 2 hour support group for women in the Guelph-Wellington community who are pregnant or parenting children (6 years old and under) and are dealing with substance use issues.
The program:
- Is delivered from a Harm Reduction, woman-centred philosophy
- Provides free child care on-site, including snacks
- Offers group and individual counselling that addresses prenatal and parenting issues simultaneously with substance use concerns
- Through community partnerships, provides access to services regarding parenting skills, infant and child development, legal rights, employment, housing, health, and nutrition
View, download or print our Let’s Grow Together brochure here.

Referral Process
Referrals to the Let’s Grow Together program are accepted by calling our Let’s Grow Together Facilitator directly at (519) 837-1470 x302 or through Here 24/7 at 1-844-437-3247 (1-844-HERE247).